GTA 5: Gunrunning DLC update
GTA 5 Online: Upcoming DLC cars and secret Gunrunning content update revealed

Renowned YouTuber MrBossFTW (aka Ross) throws some light on the impending secret update for Gunrunning DLC in his latest gameplay video for GTA Online, wherein a bunch of new DLC cars are expected hit the game over the next few weeks. If the recent pattern of DLC car releases is any indication, there is only one DLC car remaining in the current title update which is the Turismo Classic.

To be precise, we have so far only received three DLC cars namely, the Progen GP1, the Hijak Ruston and the Pegassi Inferno Classic. So, if we reconsider the recently leaked details of hidden DLC cars found within the existing game files, it is pretty obvious that we are left with just one unreleased DLC car, the Grotti Turismo Classic.

With Rockstar releasing the Inferno Classic last Tuesday (28 March), it is almost certain that we will see the fourth DLC car coming out in the next few hours today (4 April) as it is a Tuesday.

Typically, we see the Tunables update releasing on a Tuesday and hence it seems like a definite possibility that we will see a DLC today, around 5am to 6am EST or 10am in Europe or 2 to 3am on the west coast in Calfornia.

If the past is any indication, we could be seeing the release of a new Adversary Mode, besides the highly-anticipated release of Turismo Classic in GTA Online.

According to prolific tipster Funmw2, the forthcoming Adversary Mode touted as 'Land Grab' will be based on 'Turf Wars'. Furthermore, it is being speculated that both these Adversary Modes will use the same sound files, with the exception of Neon Tiles which will be exclusive to Land Grab.

Funmw2 has further clarified other gameplay details pertaining to the 'Land Grab' Adversary mode, in his recent post on GTA Forums. Here are the excerpts of the in-game help texts unearthed from hidden DLC files in GTA Online:

0xD2E7E042 = Run over neon tiles to change their color and claim them for your team. White neon tiles are unclaimed. Red neon tiles are contested.

0xA52F04D1 = In Sudden Death all neon tiles are reset to unclaimed. The team with the most neon tiles at the end of the timer wins.

0x40553B1F = Every minute a point is awarded to the team or teams with the most neon tiles and then the neon tiles are reset. The team to reach the target score first wins.

Given the leaked gameplay details, it is tipped to feature more of a retro-style game mode as the pathway is decorated with neon tiles. Furthermore, Funmw2 has suggested that 'Land Grab' would be a top-down Adversary Mode wherein you could dynamically switch between Normal and Top-down camera angles to suit your gameplay style in GTA Online.

In his recent post on GTA Forums, Funmw2 has also hinted at three new Adversary modes coming to the game as we have already received the Resurrection mode last Tuesday.

In other words, we will be seeing three new Adversary modes with the next three DLC updates namely, ADV_OVRT (no in-game text), VS_SR_LG aka Land Grab and ADV_TRACERS aka Top Down.

There is no word on the official release order for these Adversary modes as it entirely depends on Rockstar. However, it is almost certain that the one without in-game text will be the last Adversary mode to be released with the Gunrunning update in the game.

Meanwhile, the GTA community is abuzz with news of Rockstar releasing the Returning Player Bonus content in GTA Online, including the Duke O Death, the Stallion, DoDo and so on.

As Ross sums up, we will be getting just the Turismo Classic in the impending DLC update and the Returning Player Bonus content will be pushed back to next Tuesday.

The YouTuber reiterates the fact that Turismo Classic is one of the best Sports car classics to be released in the game till date and hence Rockstar is likely to save up some content for the next Tunables update, which will happen on 11 April.

Rockstar's newest QA beta update
YouTuber MrBossFTW sheds more light on the gameplay elements of upcoming DLC update for 4 April

In related news, Rockstar Games has recently updated the QA beta branches for GTA 5, which further fuels speculation that more updates for the Gunrunning DLC could be just around the corner. The last QA beta update for GTA 5 was recorded on 3 April as seen in the screenshots (above and below).

GTA 5: Latest QA beta update

Veterans of the GTA community are now speculating if the game maker is working on the filler update or some new content update for Gunrunning DLC in GTA Online.

Ross denies all such rumours saying that Rockstar is unlikely to release another new DLC update, ahead of the forthcoming Gunrunning DLC in GTA Online as the game maker has considerable amount of unreleased content left within the current title update.