GTA 5 Online: Tiny Cars update
GTA 5 Online: Happy 4/20 Weed update, new DLC content and secret bonuses revealed Rockstar Games

Rockstar Games has recently announced the arrival of next GTA Online update titled 'Tiny Cars' along with a stunning gameplay trailer for the same. The game maker calls it a retro-inspired stunt racing, wherein an all-new gaming mode will be unlocked in GTA Online starting 25 April.

Additionally, GTA Online gamers will be eligible for special discounts up to 50% off on purchase of Weed Farm Businesses and Business upgrades. All Weed sales from your newly acquired Business will fetch you 50% more profits and special custom upgrades like Green Tire Smoke from Los Santos Customs will be available at 50% off starting 20 April.

As renowned YouTuber MrBossFTW explains, the new 'Tiny Cars' update is nothing but the highly-rumoured 'Top Down' Adversary mode, which will be releasing next Tuesday (25 April).

Consequently, you will just need to login to GTA Online and you won't have to download any update as this adversary mode is already in the game, but just needs to be unlocked by Rockstar.

Furthermore, the forthcoming update is likely to bring back the double RP and double money bonuses to your fingertips, besides some exclusive discounts on new DLC cars.

Moving on to the gameplay content breakdown for the new official trailer, it is clear that you will be entrusted with special weapons like miniguns and rocket launchers to take out your rivals on your way to the finishing line, in a classic retro-style gameplay.

Apart from the officially announced DLC content, there is plenty of other interesting gameplay content brewing up in the pipeline for future DLC releases.

If you are new to the Weed Farm business, the time is ripe to invest in buying a Weed Farm as you get 50% off on any of your chosen business location. Besides, you could also benefit with the half-priced equipment, security and staff upgrades for your Weed Farm business.

However, there are no such discounts currently available on restocking supplies for your Weed Farm business.

There are some special targeted bonus discount offers going on in GTA Online such as the exclusive 65% off on Biker Clubhouses, 50% off on heavy-duty helicopters like Western Nightblade, the Nagasaki Chimera, and the Principe Diabolus.

You can also stock up on your shotguns and melee weapons at 25% discount via Ammu-Nation. All these special discounts will be available until 1 May in GTA Online.