Euron Greyjoy from Game of Thrones
Euron Greyjoy HBO

Caution Alert: This article might contain spoilers for the upcoming episodes of Game of Thrones: Season 7.

There is nothing surprising about the record breaking TRP numbers for the first episode of Game of Thrones: Season 7. The HBO drama attracted a massive 10.1 million television viewers for the premiere of this penultimate season. It looks like in the world of Westeros, this season will be focusing on two key plot lines—Daenerys versus Cersei and Jon versus the White Walkers.

Needless to say, multiple stories are unwinding for this season. Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) is forming an extensive army and has landed at the Dragonstone while Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) is at the top of the Westeros as the throne queen. Meanwhile, Jon Snow has realised that he's Targaryen, son of Rhaegar. And, Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) is plotting a revenge plan for Red Wedding family deaths. But, what many of us have missed noticing is the shocking transformation of Euron Greyjoy. What's with that haircut, the leather jacket and of course the V-cut shirt. There seems to something burning behind the new transformation of this bonkers boatman. Though Euron has offered the Iron Fleet to lay an explosive alliance with Cersei Lannister, there is something unconvincing about his trustworthiness.

Well, it looks like Euron is underrated in winning over Cersei. He is even planning for a 'priceless gift' to win her over. So what could be that gift? When it comes to GoT, one thing that remains constant is blood. So viewers wouldn't be surprised if Euron brings a head on the platter—be it Daenerys or John Snow, the throne queen is no short of enemies.

HBO's preview of next week's episode shows Daenerys joining hands with Theon, Yara, Olenna Tyrell and Ellaria Sand on Dragonstone for a meeting. What's more interesting here is the untold possibility of Euron. Unlike, Cersei's other enemies, there is no set path down for him, he is an editing wild card that makes him terrific. He can show up anywhere, anything and that makes his storyline so exciting—creating a constant terror in the minds of viewers.