Google Maps Timeline
iOS users can now receive daily Time line updates via Google Maps including activities and places visited

Google has just launched the popular Timeline feature for its Maps app on iOS, which was earlier limited to Android. Google Maps users can now receive daily Timeline updates featuring all the places they have visited on a particular day or the highlights of their daily activities.

As the timeline feature uses GPS for location marking, it may not always be accurate in pin-pointing a real-world place with an accurate description. Consequently, Google is offering users the alternative of editing the location info to make the description more accurate and comprehensive.

Google Maps users can also surf info about the available modes of transport, besides the option to delete private data or location history from the timeline. Much of the data collected from the Timeline will be reserved for private access through The Places and business cards feature in Google Maps.

Registered email users will also get monthly letters from Google which will highlight the activities and places visited by the user during that particular month.

Interested iOS users who would like to explore the new Timeline features may go ahead and download the updated version of Google Maps here.

[Source: Google Blog]