Gain had revealed that she was offered marijuana by a friend of her boyfriend Gain Instagram

Brown Eyed Girls member Gain deleted all posts on her Instagram account following her controversial post that she was offered marijuana by a friend of her boyfriend, actor Joo Ji Hoon.

Gain, who has 498,000 followers on Instagram, erased all posts and uploaded a single photo of roses and a skeletal x-ray.

After Big Bang's T.O.P was reported that he was being investigated for using marijuana, Gain followed suit and posted on June 4 a screenshot of her conversation with a certain Park Jung Wook.

"As most of you are already aware, I'm dating a man who used to be a drug user (Of course, he received all the punishment and now lives his life to the fullest and honestly). However, even as I am dating Joo Ji Hoon, his friend Park Jung Wook offered me marijuana," she wrote, according to AllKPop.

She added, "Yes, it was very tempting because I was not mentally strong at the time. But I've been living my life with no regret and won't ever use something like marijuana in the future as I'm already under morphine that's legally provided. If you guys feel this is unfair then you can smoke that marijuana and go to jail or hurt like crazy and use morphine to ease the pain. But I'm warning you, next time you offer me marijuana, you'll die."

After her post, the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency announced that they would investigate her claim and wanted to meet her to get details.

However, Gain protested in another Instagram post, saying, "While it is correct that he (Park) tried to suggest I do (marijuana), he says he has never done so. So why would I, a panic disorder patient, go to police? This is tiresome," she said, according to the Korea Herald.

She later changed her post to say that she would cooperate with the investigation.

In 2009, Joo Ji Hoon was charged by the police for using ecstasy and ketamine. He received a suspended sentence and enlisted in the military the following year. After his discharge in 2011, he returned to the entertainment industry.

He and Gain confirmed in 2014 that they were dating.