K-pop singer G.NA (real name Gina Jane Choi) has posted a letter to fans on Instagram more than a year after she was swept in prostitution rumors.
G.NA was the subject of numerous rumors last year for allegedly being involved in prostitution. The singer left Cube Entertainment in March last year and Korean media started reporting about a singer who was allegedly involved in prostitution.
Reports said that singer C who left her agency was charged with prostitution after she met a Korean businessman in Los Angeles and was paid US$33,300.
In her post, G.NA wrote, "Wow..It has been over a year."
"Thank you so much to everyone who has stood by me till this day. Thank you for having faith in me...believing in me...not giving up on me...even through all the obstacles, heartaches and endless rumors," she said.
She told fans that she will be back soon.
"To my G.NI's...you guys mean the world to me and I just want to say I miss you guys very much. I think about you guys every single day. I promise..the journey hasn't ended for us. We will reunite soon and start a new beginning together. Love you, miss you and thank you again for being there for me."
G.NA's latest Instagram post came 19 months after she posted in February 2016.
During an investigation last year, singer C was even photographed going to the prosecution's office in March last year after she was summoned as a suspect in the scandal.
In an interview with Ilgan Sports, the singer admitted to all charges.
"I admitted to all charges during the investigation. However, it's not that I admitted to selling my body. It's just that the actions I took legally were viewed as prostitution. Therefore, I decided not to take the long legal battle," she said.
She denied that she was a prostitute.
"I'm not a prostitute. I didn't need to either sell my body or want to sell my body for the amount listed as charged. However, I was fooled like an idiot by a broker who I thought was my friend, and I became someone who had sold sex," the singer added.
She stated, "However, I was told by a friend (who later turned out to be a broker) that he would lend me money during my difficult times and I took it, and later was told that I didn't need to pay it back since it was difficult times. He then told me there was a person who was a big fan and asked to meet him like a blind date, and I accepted easily. Later, I found out that he had paid the broker for meeting me."
The singer said she never directly received money from the businessman.
"I never did. As anyone can do, I had met someone as a blind date and met him later with good intentions. I never thought about it as 'prostitution' and the problem was that during my hard time I just trusted someone too easily. Of course, that's not to say I am entirely innocent. I was stupid. I was idiotic and made unwise choices. I'm regretting it and I'm so sorry to my fans and family," she said.