Krypton Twitter

The first trailer of Superman prequel series makes way to social media way ahead of the date scheduled by the US network Syfy to release it. On April 18, the Superman prequel series' first preview Krypton turned up online.

According to Digital Spy, the preview featured political intrigue, shadowy conspiracy and the planet of Krypton is seen exploding. Meanwhile, the future Superman's grandfather Seg-El (Cameron Cuffe) records a message for the future.

He says, "Kal-El, my future grandson, your birth world will be a distant memory."

He further added saying, "The House of El led a revolution against tyranny. The story of your family isn't how we died but how we lived. I know you will fight to save your world, just as I fought to save mine."

Though Cameron Cuffe is featured as quite a young man and it's not clear as to why he is recording the message for his future grandson and how he knows that he will be named Kal-El.

According to Syfy this is how the upcoming superhero outing will be, as Syfy mentioned, "Years before the Superman legend we know, the House of El was shamed and ostracised.

Further added, "This series follows The Man of Steel's grandfather as he brings hope and equality to Krypton, turning a planet in disarray into one worthy of giving birth to the greatest superhero ever known."