Facebook Newsroom

Facebook's digital assistant M is all set to be rolled out in the Messenger App, announced the company. As called by the company a 'concierge-like' service for Messenger, for now, it will be available only for the users in the United States and then it will spread eventually. The company had started the testings with M back in 2015. 

M is basically Facebook's digital assistant powered by humans and artificial intelligence, which will start making suggestions to the users calculating the algorithm of their internet activity.

Facebook Messenger Vice President David Marcus' detailed blog post on M, Facebook will gradually incorporate more features into M once it starts getting better with experience.

Here's how M will perform as per Marcus' post:

M will essentially be making suggestions in the middle of a conversation of one user with another, in terms of Stickers, payments, polls, reminders, rides, and location sharing. Facebook has made it available for both Android and iOS users in the US.

It will also be able to suggest payment requests when needed along with sticker suggestions to make the conversation more fun or create a poll when you're trying to get friends in a group to agree on something. Additionally, M will also automatically suggest reminders based on the kind of conversation you might be having.

This service will also work with Uber and Lyft in the US and for that will be able to give ride suggestions. Since Siri on iPhone and Amazon's Alexa both can do the same, it is not sure how M will surpass their performance.

Finally, M can also let you share your live location with someone, supposing you're on the way to meet a friend.

However, if users don't want the constant intruding they can opt for the mute option in M's settings.