facebook messenger
Facebook expands Messenger ads. Facebook

Internet firms have been hugely relying on advertisements as it is the core of these companies to generate money and run. Facebook is no exception who just started to expand a beta update for its Messenger app, bringing advertisements into the frame. Critics, however, were definitely not happy with the placement of these advertisements.

How Messenger ads work

Messenger ads are displayed right the home tab of the app. Tapping on the ad will automatically launch the user to the advertiser's chosen landing page which could be their website, Facebook page, e-commerce platforms, Messenger conversation, and the like. Facebook has added support in Ads Manager and Power Editor for optimised use. Advertisers also have the option to add Messenger to campaigns through Traffic and Conversions objectives, and more options like the App Installs objective are coming very soon.

It is currently being tested in Thailand and Australia, and Facebook is looking into expanding the beta further, it said in a statement. David Jones, an e-commerce department store in Australia, is said to have gained an advantage from this new Messenger update.

"Messenger ads have been a powerful addition to our digital advertising campaigns, helping us reach our customers where they are already active and engaged," says Michiel Tops, general manager of Marketing and Communications at David Jones Australia. She added: "And thanks to placement optimisation across Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network and now Messenger, we're able to continue to optimise our advertising spend and further drive business results."

Skeptical critics

However, critics have been sceptical of the functionality of this update on Messenger. Based on the interface of the Messenger with the ads, they are not ideal to be shown right in front of the message tab because the ads are huge, filling up the entire space. This, along with the inconvenience and distraction it presents, completely destroys user experience.

Facebook has come to believe that Messengers ads are helpful among everyday users of the app. Speaking to TechCrunch, a Facebook representative said: "We monitored people's engagement closely throughout the initial test and the results were promising. Since we began testing in Australia and Thailand we have put people's experience first, and we will continue to prioritise this as we roll out the Messenger ads test further."