Kim Heechul
Kim Heechul has addressed snapping incident on his social media. Facebook

Kim Heechul has relayed his version of the snapping incident happened on the 25th's episode of A Hyung I Know. In a defensive post on his social media, the singer clarified that he did not cussed at Min Kyung Hoon and actually they were just fooling around.

As per reports, the 33-year-old showcased a cold behavior when the guests jokingly talked about drinking and driving. Netizens believe that Heechul's behavior was allegedly to defend fellow Super Junior member Kangin, who has been embroiled in the DUI controversy few times. While, the Gangwon born singer extended an apology for the misunderstanding, he threatened to report against the rumor spreaders. He said: "I know everyone can feel differently on seeing my expression so I apologize. But when I saw malicious bullsh*t saying that I cursed with a cold expression, I wanted to report them all. I hate these kind of rumors because of the 'barbed wire' incident years back.. "


Read the full text of Heechul's post :

" I was wondering why my Instagram was blowing up, and I see it was because of my expression during. I can't see it all because I'm overseas right now, so excuse my babbling... I don't know how it was broadcast, but we had absolutely no problems while filming. As usual, we joke around with each othe.. During the breaks, the hyungs and I talk among each other and say things such as, "Can I insult you more", "Of course, sure", "Hey, you were pretty good", and "You've improved a lot", and more, and we finished off on a good note. Even when I asked the staff what was happening, they had no idea why it could be problematic... the mood on set was that good.

The reason why I'm writing this is because I'm worried because of this, Kyung Hoon and my relationship might get awkward and we'll shy away from each other. I know everyone can feel differently on seeing my expression so I apologize. But when I saw malicious bullsh*t saying that I cursed with a cold expression, I wanted to report them all. I hate these kind of rumors because of the 'barbed wire' incident years back..


인스타그램이 왜 난리가 났나 싶어 봤더니 <아는 형님>에 나온 제 표정 때문이군요. 제가 해외에 체류중이라 다 보진못해서 두서없이 말씀 드리자면.. 어떻게 나갔는진 모르겠지만 당시 촬영하면서 전혀 문제 없었습니다. 늘 그렇듯 장난걸고 받아주고.. 쉬는 시간엔 형들과 다 서로서로 어땠냐며 "더 갈궈도 돼?", "그럼그럼", "야 너 잘 치더라", "많이 늘었어" 등등 웃으며 잘 마쳤습니다. 심지어 제작진에게 무슨 일이냐 물었을 때도 대관절 이게 왜 문제가 되는지 알 수가 없다.. 라고 할 정도로 현장에선 너무나도 즐거운 분위기였습니다. 이렇게 글을 남기는 이유도 혹여나 이런 일로 저와 경훈이가 방송에서 서로 어색해지고 움츠려들까봐 입니다. 보는 사람마다 제 표정을 다르게 느낄터라 송구스럽지만.. 정색하며 "X발" 이라고 했다는 악의적인 개소리들은 다 신고하고 싶더군요. 수 년전 '철조망' 사건 때 이후로 이런 류의 루머라면 치를 떠는 사람이라.. 저희 <아는 형님> 멤버들이 진흙탕 케미를 추구하는터라.. 방송에서 따뜻한 모습은 안보여도 사석에서는 진짜 형, 동생들처럼 욕도 하고, 술도 마시고, 밥도 먹으며 다정하게 지냅니다^-^ 제 드립을 좋아하시는 분들, 당연 싫어하시는 분들도 많이 계시겠지만, 전 아직 모두의 입맛에 맞출 그릇은 안되기에 멤버들을 믿고, 제작진들을 믿고, 저를 좋아해주시는 분들을 위해 즐겁게 해드리도록 하겠습니다. 앞으로도 <아는 형님>을 통해서나마 힘들고 생각 많던 한 주 생각없이 피식피식 웃으셨으면 좋겠습니다. 다른 말씀으로는 경훈이와 제가 얼마 전부터 준비하고 있는 프로젝트가 있는데.. 빠른 시일 안에 펼쳐보이도록 하겠습니다. 긴 글 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 좋은 밤 보내세요^-^ #아는형님 #강호동 #이상민 #김영철 #서장훈 #이수근 #김희철 #민경훈

A photo posted by Kim Hee Chul (@hxxnim) on


The members like the dirty chemistry.. So even if we don't look that warm on broadcast, we really curse around, drink, eat, and otherwise act warmly like real brothers. ^_^

There are people who like the way I am, and there are of course people who don't like the way I am. I'm not at the stage where I can fit everyone, so I believe in the members, the staff, and I want to give enjoyment to the people who like me.

I hope can help everyone forget their hard, exhausting week and laugh without troubles. On another note, Kyung Hoon and I have been preparing a project for a bit... We'll release it soon.

Thank you for reading this long post. Have a good night ^_^"