India supports PM Modi against black money
India supports PM Modi against black money Twitter

A significant portion of India's population is expressing unflinching support to PM Narendra Modi's campaign against black money as the trend '#IamWithModi' goes viral on Twitter. Another similar trend titled '#StopDemonetisation' seems to be showing mixed and negative reactions to Modi's move of demonetising Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 currency notes as some people are expressing dissatisfaction over the recent incidents.

On one side, the trend #IamWithModi is bringing unprecedented support to Modi's campaign against black money while on the other hand critics who are using the #StopDemonetisation trend are accusing politicians and businessmen of dodging the limitations imposed by demonetisation act with their sheer money power and political influence.

Modi seems to have garnered as many fans as the increasing number of critics in the aftermath of banning the higher denomination currencies in India. Let's take a look at some of those positive and negative reactions from Modi fans and critics on the Twitter hash-tags, #IamWithModi and #StopDemonetisation:

Those who are eager to spend their older Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes in the country, have been given an extended time until 24 November. The current exchange limit has been slashed to Rs. 2,000 (per day and per person) until further notice.

The ATM withdrawal limits will continue to be restricted to Rs. 2,000 (per day and per person) while the bank-account withdrawals will be limited to Rs. 10,000 per day and Rs. 20,000 per week for all individuals.