BTS Suga
BTS rapper Suga released his debut solo album in August. Facebook

BTS Suga is very excited from the response he is getting from his just released album. The rapper of the boy group, who is individually entering into the K-pop music scene for the first time, came out with his 10 track mixtape this month.

Suga recently sat for an interview with Grazia and gave some insight into his world of solo releases. When asked to explain the reason behind the album's name, August D, the singer relayed: "I flipped 'DT Suga', which was used in some lyrics before. DT means D Town and it signifies my hometown Daegu. I think I will be using this name when I work aside [from BTS] since it has a good meaning and also sounds cool. Plus I have a good feeling [about the name] because my mixtape was released in August."

The 23-year-old further stated that his new release is a mixture of ambient music and tempting lyrics. "It has everything regarding hip-hop. The lyrics are strong and might make you go, 'Huh? Was he like this? Can he use these lyrics?' Overall, I am relieved that I was able to tell the story inside my mind," he told the media outlet.

When asked about his dreams and ambitions, the rapper thoughtfully asserted: "The media chases after issues and sets up the standard of beauty as being dependent on how thin someone is. However, there are people on the other side of the world starving and dying because they do not have food to eat. There needs to be more attention towards that side. If I become an influential and honorable person, wouldn't I be able to shift people's attention to that side?"