Ga In of Brown Eyed Girls
Ga In of Brown Eyed Girls was offered marijuana by her boyfriend Joo Ji Hoon's friend Instagram/songain87

Brown Eyed Girls member Ga In has admitted that a friend of her actor boyfriend Joo Ji Hoon, once offered her marijuana. The 29-year-old singer took to Instagram and shared screenshots of her chats with Park Jung Wook, who tricked her into consuming illegal drugs.

Ga In wrote: "As you all may know, I'm dating someone who used to be a drug user [Joo Ji Hoon]. Of course, as far as I know, he has received appropriate punishments and now lives honestly. However, although I'm dating Joo Ji Hoon, this shouldn't have happened."

"His friend Park Jung Wook offered me marijuana. Yes, I almost gave in, since I wasn't mentally strong at the time. But I've been clean all my life, and I won't do marijuana until it becomes legal."

"I don't need marijuana since I'm already injecting legal morphine," she continued. "If you think it's unfair, smoke [marijuana] and go to jail, or be really sick and use morphine. You're a dead man if you tell me to smoke marijuana."

Adding on, the South Korean girl group member also admitted that she is currently mentally unstable and is receiving treatment. She wrote: "Yes, I'm a mental patient undergoing treatment, and I'm not ashamed of that. I'm going to be cured. I will tell you one by one why I've gone crazy, even if it gets me in jail and even if it gets me killed."