Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt
Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt in September after two years of marriage, ending a relationship that began in 2005 REUTERS/Andreas Rentz/Pool

Brad Pitt reportedly wants to mend his relationship with  Angelina Jolie, for the sake of their children. The 41-year-old actress had filed for divorce from him on 19 September 2016, citing irreconcilable differences.

A source told Hollywood Life: "No matter how much Angie has hurt him, Brad was, and is, determined to mend his relationship with her for the sake of the kids. Their welfare is more important than anything else in this world and he knows having a respectful relationship with Angie is what's best for those kids."

"One thing that he and Angie differ on is the day-to-day lives of the kids. Brad desperately wants to give then as much of a sense of normalcy as possible. He knows it's tough, but he doesn't want them growing up in a fishbowl," the insider added.

"He wants them to make friends, have play dates, play little league, etc. He sets up play dates at his place and has created a little park atmosphere at his Los Feliz home where they can play — everything that other kids enjoy," the source continued. "He really wants them to be grounded and have self confidence. Not because they are children of rich and famous actors but because of who they are as people." 

Meanwhile, Jolie had recently talked about the "difficult time" she and her family has been going through, in an interview with BBC World News. She said: "I don't want to say very much about that, except to say it was a very difficult time. We are a family and we will always be a family, and we will get through this time and hopefully be a stronger family for it."

"Many, many people find themselves in this situation," she said. "My whole, my family...we've all being through a difficult time. My focus is my children, our children...and my focus is finding this way through. We are and forever will be a family. I am coping with finding a way through to make sure that this somehow makes us stronger and closer."