Apple's data centre to warm homes and produce fertilizer to farmers
Apple's European sales director Erik Stannow presents plans and models for the Danish data center (left); actual construction of the facility (right) Henning Bagger/Scanpix

 Fresh details have started emerging from Apple's environment report analysis for 2016, wherein the company is touted to be building an eco-friendly data centre in Denmark using recycled waste products from farms. The heat dissipated from the plant will be redirected to warm homes in and around its suburbs.

Apple seems to have struck the right formula for embracing its new 'Go Green' motto, especially given its recent partnership with Aarhus University to convert some of the residual waste into nutrient-rich fertiliser for farmers to use on their fields.

As the data centre will harness its power completely through renewable energy source from one of Denmark's largest electrical substations, the company plans to eliminate the use of back-up generators altogether.

The waste recycling process involves passing agricultural waste through a digester to generate methane gas, which can then be used to produce renewable electricity to power the data centre. As the agricultural waste used to power the plant will be returned to the fields as fertiliser generated from residual waste, it paves the way for "mutually beneficial relationship" between farmers and the tech eco-system.

The data centre spanning across 166,000 square metres of land is reportedly the world's largest as well as the biggest foreign capital investment in Danish history, given its estimated worth of nearly one billion dollars.

[Source: Mac World]