Apple's highly-rumoured AR glasses and other secret products revealed in leaked document
Apple's highly-rumoured AR glasses revealed in leaked document

Apple's early attempts at building the AR glasses have now been explained in a recently leaked document obtained by Gizmodo. The internal incident report created by Environment Health and Safety Contractor at Apple, has been accidentally emailed to hundreds of Apple employees and leaked online.

The report details over 70 independent incidents with an overview of the secret bunch of products that Apple might currently be working on. Apple's prototype of AR glasses is briefly highlighted as part of the safety incident and study report, which outlines the eye strain suffered by the subjects who were testing the product among several other employee hazards sustained in the testing process.

Here are a few of those incidents reported by employees or test subjects, while evaluating the early prototypes of Apple Pencil, Apple Watch, AR glasses and more:

Employee was opening a box of used Apple Pencils in [room number redacted]. As soon as she opened the box, a strong odor emanated from within the box. The employee, who is familiar with lithium battery odors, identified two Pencils as the odor source. She suspected the Pencils were leaking electrolytes.

After BT4 user study, user advised study lead, that she experienced discomfort in her eye and said she was able to see the laser flash at several points during the study. Study lead referred her to optometrist and secured prototype unit for analysis.

Check out a few other interesting incidents as reported by the test subjects in the leaked report available at the source link below.

[Source: Gizmodo]