Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone
Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone Reuters

Andrew Garfield shared a funny story involving him and former girlfriend, Emma Stone. The Spider-Man co-stars ate pot brownies with friends before going to Disneyland for his 29th birthday, back in 2012.

In a video for W Magazine, the 33-year-old actor said: "They came out to L.A. to surprise me. We went to Disneyland. We ate pot brownies. It was literally heaven. How about Space Mountain three times in a row? I freaked out on It's a Small World. I was like, 'It is a f**ing small world.'"

"And then we just kind of like build to this choreographed like through Disneyland like who are these grown men and women really f–king high just totally like what the f**k," he continued.

"And we had this girl called Chantelle—bless you, Chantelle, wherever you are—she was our guide. And I think she was that innocent and pure of heart that she had no idea that we were on drugs," he added.

"Then we went back to my house and talked about how insane that day was because we were all having our own experiences, and I think we all kind of came back going, 'Were you thinking this?'" Garfield continued. "We all realized we were all thinking so many of the same things at the same time. Just stoned conversation. Everyone had a different freak out at a different place."

Garfield and Stone dated for a long time. The duo had broken up in October 2015.