The episode 13 preview of 'Strong Woman Do Bong-soon' hinted that Park Bo Young's character's life might be in danger while trying to save her friend. Now a fresh set of still photos have been released by JTBC reveals the dangers that Do Bong Soon will face, including being shot in the chest.
As noted by Soompi, the new stills show Do Bong-soon trying to rescue her friend Kyung Shim, played by singer and actress Park Bo-mi who has been kidnapped by Jang Hyun, played by Jang Mi-kwan.
The stills which were uploaded on various official JTBC social media accounts show Park Bo-young in character, holding up a freight lift with her superhuman strength to save Bomi's character from being crushed under it. The other still shows a surprised looking Do Bong-soon blocking a gun that has been pointed towards her chest by an assailant off-screen.
The freight lift scene is clearly reminiscent of Christopher Reeve's 'Superman II' film where Superman arrives just in time to save Lois Lane from being crushed under a service elevator of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Reeve is seen holding up the descending lift while Lois gets out from underneath it. Superman then proceeds to push it out into space. It remains to be seen whether the director of the JTBC drama will pay homage to that in episode 13.
However, what is of utmost importance is the threat to Do Bong-soon's life, as apparent from the other still. Though the identity of the one holding the gun isn't clear, it seems he has no intention to let Park Bo-young's character slip this time. He intends to finish her for good.
The viewers have already been warned with a shot in the episode 13 preview that showed Park Hyung-sik's character crying while clutching Do Bong-soon in his arms. It is very much plausible that the killer shoots Do Bong-soon in the chest. Even for the herculean lady with superhuman strength, a bullet or couple of bullets straight to her heart might be too much to overcome. It may also be that Ahn Min-hyuk arrives too late to save her and cries clutching her apparently lifeless body in his arms.
It will be particularly shocking and painful for Ahn Min-hyuk and the viewers to watch her die, considering that Park Hyung-sik and Park Bo-young's characters had just begun their romantic relationship in the last episode with a kiss. The gaming company CEO's life will be torn apart if Do Bong-soon is gone.
However, there might still be a silver lining even if the lead character dies. There are countless instances where superheroes have been resurrected following their deaths, like Superman, Green Arrow and The Flash among others. So even if she is shot and appears to die, she might be resurrected like Superman; with her wounds healing rapidly on their own. In any case, the drama only has three more episodes after episode 13. So, the plot is expected to get thicker and more intense with high stakes.
All this will be clear when episode 13 airs on April 7 on JTBC network. Watch the teaser below.