Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston
Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston in happier times. Pitt and Jennifer Aniston

Brad Pitt has allegedly reconciled with his ex-wife, Jennifer Aniston. The actor had separated from the 'Friends' actress, after he fell in love with Angelina Jolie and divorced her in 2005. But, after the ugly split with Jolie, Pitt reportedly relied upon Jennifer for moral support to deal with his nasty break-up.

Angelina Jolie filed for divorce in September 2016, and also accused the actor of child abuse and alcohol addiction. However, according to TMZ, Angelina thought it will help her to win the case and receive full custody of the six children, and the stories concerning child abuse, alcohol addiction, bad parenting skills and others were only a stunt to defame the actor.

According to In Touch, as cited by Gossip Cop, the stress Jolie has allegedly put Pitt through, was not easy for him and this made the actor close to Jennifer more than ever.

A source said: "This time around, Brad and Jen are not only talking on the phone but also texting each other."

The insider further reveals: "Jen feels really bad for everything that Angie is putting him through. Angie broke up her marriage, and now Brad is coming back to her after all these years for friendship and support. It's definitely vindication for her because it just confirms that Angie stole her husband from her."

According to inquistr, in an alleged conversation, Jennifer revealed told Pitt that she still owns the Hollywood Hills mansion that the former couple shared when they were married.

In Touch mentions that husband Justin Theroux has been stressing her to sell it, but even after all these years; Aniston doesn't really want to sell it off, which is evident that the actress wants to keep the house forever.