samsung battery

The cat is finally out of the bag, or in Samsung's case, the battery is! As many tech analysts had suggested previously in open forums, Samsung's statement finally put the "confirmed" stamp on the independent findings by saying that it was indeed the batteries that were at fault in the Galaxy Note 7.

DJ Koh, President of Mobile Communications Business, Samsung Electronics, said: "For the last several months, together with independent industry expert organizations, we conducted thorough investigation to find cause to the Galaxy Note7 incidents." Koh said, "Today, more than ever, we are committed to earning the trust of our customers through innovation that redefines what is possible in safety, and as a gateway to unlimited possibilities and incredible new experiences." At the press conference which was held at Seoul.

According to the statement provided, the firm said two different suppliers provided it with batteries with different manufacturing defects and had three different independent researchers to confirm their findings. To top it all they also made quite a small video and a nice info-graphic to explain what went wrong and crippled them with a product disaster that siphoned US$5.3 billion from its operating profit

Samsung added that it has "developed strict quality assurance protocols across its entire development process in an effort to renew its commitment to safety."

The firm will be coming up with Samsung Galaxy S8 and the internet is buzzing with rumours, speculations and nuggets of information that have come our way. It is fair to say that the community is hyped but also cautious as they are not quite ready once more to take a phone in their hand which may or may not explode.

Earlier during the recall phase, Samsung had given only vague and incomplete answers regarding the true cause of the problem which blew a whopping $5.2 billion to its operating profit over three quarters. Hopefully with this findings and the subsequent sharing of with the world community, we can expect that the tech giant has learnt his lesson and it is just not another PR stunt to get things running again till we get to come across a new disaster.