Following one of the biggest disasters of all time in tech-history, Samsung has finally completed its report of the ongoing investigation into the cause of Galaxy Note 7 explosions. The smartphone maker has concluded that it was indeed the battery which caused the problem, not the hardware or software, "a person familiar with the matter", who doesn't want to be identified, told Reuters. Samsung will likely announce the result on January 23, a day before announcing detailed fourth-quarter earnings results.
The problem with Samsung Galaxy Note 7 started as soon as the device surfaced in the market and 2,5 million phones were recalled immediately by the company. Initially the experts concluded that the problem is with the batteries developed by Samsung's sister company Samsung HDI and the other phones with batteries from other suppliers (like ATL) were doing fine. However, the replaced phones also started exploding again, leading to a total recall and eventually the company ended up completely withdrawing Samsung Galaxy Note 7 from the market.

The company is now keen to reassure that its devices are safe ahead of launching their flagship Galaxy S8 smartphone in the first half of this year. To make the skeptical and nervous buyers believe on their products once again, Samsung mobile chief Koh Dong-jin will likely announce all the detail steps it's taking to prevent similar problems with the Galaxy S8 and other future devices.
Initially Samsung couldn't find out the exact reason of explosion even after assigning hundreds of engineers to figure it out. Finally the engineering firm Instrumental theorized that the overall design was doomed from the start, because Samsung was trying to squeeze a too-large battery into a too-slim body.
The source also told Reuters that Samsung was able to replicate the fires during its investigation and that the cause for the fires could not be explained by hardware design or software-related matters. The whole Note 7 disaster blew a whopping $5.2 billion to its operating profit over three quarters.
Anyhow, Samsung right now has a lot of folks to satisfy - government safety bodies, consumer groups and, most importantly, a very skeptical public.