Cydia app
Saurik releases Cydia 1.1.28 beta for iOS 10.1.x jailbreak: How to install

Avid iOS 10 jailbreakers are in for some good news as Saurik, the founder of Cydia, has released the third beta iteration of Cydia (v1.1.28) with a handful of bug fixes including the Cydia crash fix. The jailbreak community is currently abuzz with news of widespread issues pertaining to the Cydia app, after installing any tweak for the Yalu jailbreak in iOS 10 and trying to re-spring the device.

Saurik's latest beta release of Cydia aims at fixing all known issues from the previous release, particularly the redundant bug with non-English characters that show up as "?'s". Those who have already jailbroken their device on iOS 10 are advised to install the latest beta update for the Cydia app in order to enjoy a seamless experience with Yalu jailbreak.

Here's how to install Cydia 1.1.28 beta on any jailbroken device running iOS 10.1.x:

  • Launch Cydia on your jailbroken device.
  • Navigate to the Sources tab, choose Edit > Add and then enter the following URL: . Finally, tap the Add button to add the repo to the sources list in Cydia.
  • Wait until the new repo is added to the source list and let Cydia refresh. Now, all three new upgrades will be available for installation via the Changes tab: Cydia Installer, Debian Package and Tape Archive.
  • Hit the upgrade button at the top of the Changes window in the right-hand corner to install all available upgrades on your iPhone/iPad.
  • Respring or reboot your device, once the installation completes.

That's it. The latest iteration of Cydia based on iOS 10 firmware is now installed successfully on your device.

[Source: iPhone Hacks]