iOS 10 Cydia Substrate fix
How to fix broken Cydia Substrate on iOS 10 jailbreak

An unofficial fix or patch for Cydia Substrate on iOS 10 jailbroken devices is now available online, thanks to the industrious Reddit user Ijapija00. As the Redditor notes in his recent post on the social networking site, the new fix will enable full functionality for Cydia Substrate on iOS 10 jailbroken iPhones and iPads.

As a word of caution, prospective iOS 10 jailbreakers are advised not to install system patch tweaks like Appsync, Winterboard and so on, using this unofficial fix, as it could inadvertently brick your device. If ever you run into incompatible tweaks or apps that could render the Substrate dysfunctional, it is recommended to run the command "dpkg –r" to get rid of the offending package and restore Substrate to default settings.

Here's how to fix partially broken Cydia Substrate on any device running the iOS 10 jailbreak:

  • Check out our step-by-step guide posted here to jailbreak your iPhone or iPad on iOS 10/10.1.1 using the latest Yalu app.
  • After the device is jailbroken, go to list of repos in Cydia and add a new source with the following URL/path info:
  • After adding the necessary source information, you can manually search for the desired package named 'Substrate Fix (iOS 10)' or look for this entry under the repository that you added in Cydia source list.
  • Now install the fix as you would install any other apps or tweaks via Cydia. Wait until the device reboots or resprings after the package has installed successfully.
  • Then launch the exe file of the installed package, which will force the device to respring again. At this moment, you will see a small spinning wheel on the screen, which confirms that the Substrate fix has been installed correctly.