EXO's lay

EXO's Lay may take legal action against stalkers following alarming instances past weekend. Lay's fans reportedly gate-crashed singer's hotel in lieu of meeting the idol by faking their identities.

The label of the Chinese singer and composer has released a statement as a last warning to the privacy invaders. The formal note read: "There were two incidents as a result of malicious sasaeng fans, and while Lay wasn't hurt, his privacy was invaded."

"Before understanding and trust is respect. Protecting Lay's safety and his private life is the most important. With this warning, while protecting Lay, we want to instill awareness of the law and safety in fans. In the event that Lay's privacy is invaded as a result of malicious fan actions again, the workshop will, within legal boundaries, take photo evidence and report the incidents to authorities, and will take strict legal action," the agency relayed.

As per Soompi reports, two of the Lay's female fans falsified their identities and tried to enter the hotel on 18th August. While the staffers called up the police, the disturbance continued till 4 am in the morning. However, the second incident took place 10 days earlier, where fans attempted their way into the set of Lay's Chinese drama.