Lee Jin Wook
Actor Lee Jin Wook was last seen in MBC's Goodbye Mr Black Facebook

The accusations of sexual assault has cost Lee Jin Wook a huge sum of money. Although the actor has been acquitted of all the charges, the 34 year old will reportedly be bearing approximately 10 billion won worth of damages.

An episode of MBC's Section TV revealed that the false charges against the actor showed him in bad light and took a toll on his future projects. Quoting the words of the actor's agency, the show relayed: "Lee Jin Wook suffered approximately 10 billion won in damages from the halting of advertisement and promotional activities alone." However, Jin Wook has been set free from all the charges after the alleged victim confessed of wrongly imputing blame on the actor. He was was accused of molestation charges on July 15.

Meanwhile, expressing his love and gratitude, the Glass Castle actor thanked his fans for standing beside him in his bad times: "We sincerely appreciate those who trusted Lee Jin Wook till the very end. Lee Jin Wook will now return to his daily life, and do his best in his career as an actor. We cannot describe how we felt when the media continued to report false information provided by the plaintiff as if they were true. We tried our best to respond to the media and participated in the investigation thoroughly to uncover the truth. Ultimately, it was proven that truth wins against lies," Jin wook's agency affirmed.

C&CO ENS further added: "From now on, Lee Jin Wook will give his best to become an outstanding actor and will return the love through greater productions."