The Legend
South Korean band, The Legend, includes five members. Wikia

South Korean band The Legend has filled a lawsuit against their label citing the inefficacity and lack of contract fulfillment. In their appeal, the ive member boy group has reportedly asked for an agreement termination from their current agency, SS Entertainment.

The representative from The Legend's side claimed that the agency has not been able to fulfill the terms of the contract since the inception of the agreement in June 2014. Elaborating the whole situation, the staffer said: "This past July 7, we have filed lawsuits asking to nullify The Legend's contracts with SS Entertainment. According to the contract, SS Entertainment should have been doing everything in its power to help The Legend grow and improve in skills and talents, but they are not in a situation where they are able to do so. The Legend have been unable to receive lessons, which are key to an idol's career."

In addition, the rep also revealed that the members have not been gratified for the work or recordings they have done so far. Moreover, the label did not even provide the group with proper amenities as promised in the contract. "After signing the contract, SS Entertainment failed to provide managers or transportation for The Legend, and because they constantly failed to pay the utility bill at the dorm in time, the gas has been cut off several times. Currently, there is no electricity."

"SS Entertainment failed to fulfill its duties as a label for The Legend. The group has worked hard for their promotions despite the label's lack of action, but the contract is no longer negotiable. From here on, The Legend will provide clear evidence supporting their desires to nullify their contracts with SS Entertainment and will follow the court's decisions in all cases," the boy band stated.

The Legend debuted on 9 July 2014. The boys have released two mini album, one single and three digital tracks in total.