EXO recently released their latest album, EX'ACT Reuters

A part of EXO's fandom has extended an apology to upcoming actresses, Seo Shin Ae and Kim Hwan Hee, for the hatred comments from few of their counterparts.

The well-wishers of the South Korean band lashed out at girls after the actresses spoke their mind on their band's preference at the recent telecast of KBS's Happy Together. When asked if the duo likes EXO's music, Hwan honestly responded that she likes BTS more, while Shin Ae chose Akdong Musician.

Although both the actresses spoke their mind, it drew quite a lot of backlash from the band's fan members. In an official apology note on behalf of EXO-Ls, the representative of the EXO fan club - EXO Fan Talk stated that this kind of behavior is uncalled for. The note further added that all the malicious comments have been removed and have cleansed the forum with new positive comments.

Read the full apology note here:

Hello. This is EXO's fan club EXO-Ls.

As a representative of the EXO fan club 'EXO Fan Talk,' I was compelled to relay an apologetic heart through this letter to Ms. Kim Hwan Hee and Ms. Seo Shin Ae who were hurt by our fan club's censure and malicious comments.

It is our fandom's wish to officially apologize about directing insults and hate comments toward Ms. Hwan Hee and Seo Shin Ae for saying that they like other groups on 'Happy Together' and for the fact that Ms. Hwan Hee got more screen time [than EXO]; everyone in our fandom are currently reflecting on our actions.

1. Apology regarding what was said on Twitter

This is an apology from Twitter fans who insulted Kim Hwan Hee following the 'Happy Together' broadcast. Currently, several fans who have uploaded official apologies deleted their accounts.

2. Apology for driving Ms. Seo Shin Ae to shut down her Instagram

Among fans within Korea, more people reacted positively toward Seo Shin Ae rather than write hate comments and rebuke her; however, it seems that international fans bombarded her with malicious comments so we can only apologize [for their behavior] as those of the same fandom. It was difficult for us directly obtain an apology from them due to a communication barrier but as the representative of EXO's fan club 'EXO Fan Talk,' we would like to apologize

3. The situation on ['Happy Together'] viewer forums

Following the broadcast, inconsiderate fans had written on the viewer forums that they were disappointed, etc., so we have cleansed the forums with more positive messages.

Lastly, we would like to apologize once again for inconveniencing so many people and bringing frowns upon their faces for what these inconsiderate fans said. We will try our best so that no one else would be hurt by our fandom from a similar incident. Further, it is our wish that this occurrence will not be brought up on forums again.

We apologize once more to Ms. Seo Shin Ae and Ms. Kim Hwan Hee for being hurt by inconsiderate fans.

-Everyone at 'EXO Fan Talk-