Kim Hyun Joong
Actor Kim Hyun Joong lost the defamation case levied on former girlfriend. Facebook

The final verdict on Kim Hyun Joong and his former girlfriend's legal suite is out in open. As per reports, the former beau has been found innocent on the defamation charges levied by the actor after finding no proof of the claim.

Reportedly, Hyun Joong sued his former girlfriend on the charges of blackmailing, fraud, false accusation, and defamation in July 2015. In lieu of the final ruling, the lawyer of the victim stated that the girl has been experiencing difficult days after being shaped as a con artist.

He told Soompi: "Kim Hyun Joong made the image of her character crash as he sued the mother of his child and called her a blackmailer and con artist. Though she was found not guilty, it was not revealed to the public so she kept getting tortured by malicious comments from irrational fans. [He] needs to self-reflect now. "

The lawyer further added that despite being found guilty, the 30-year-old did not apologize and showed no remorse.

Back in 2014, the singer-turned-actor experienced a great image and financial loss, after the aforesaid ex-girlfriend sued Hyun Joong for charges of battery and assault. The actor's side claimed: "Kim Hyun Joong was critically attacked for around three years by articles which reported on the lawsuits, the pregnancy, and violence."

" He suffered great economic loss for a guarantee payment of 300 million KRW (~$256,731 USD), fee of 600 million KRW (~$513,462 USD) for being appointed the exclusive model of a duty free shop, and the cancelation of his appearance in a 16-episode long Chinese drama," Hyun Joong's legal representative, Lee Jae Man added.