Park Joon Hyung
Park Joon Hyung has shared his thoughts on racism in Korea Reuters

In a shocking incident, g.o.d's Park Joon Hyung was attacked by a group of robbers while filming JTBC's Looking For Trouble in Belgium. They also passed lewd and racists comment against the star. The incident took place at late night while Joon Hyung and his crew were walking back to the hotel after the shoot.

A man popped up from nowhere and started interacting with the team. Though Joon Hyung initial mistook him as a fan, things went awry when the man started grabbing Hyung's watch and backpack. The group also made racist comments against the team. Hyung soon stepped up against the assaulters to protect his teammates. Soon the security guard arrived and calmed the idol.

Hyung's team filmed the entire incident on their mobile and also posted it through his Instagram account. Along with the video, Hyung wrote, "Basically this was a situation nobody was ready or accounted for. It was late at night and we were all very tired from the long flight. Basically in whatever country you go to there will be good people and bad. But you always need to be careful, especially at night in a new place/foreign environment that you have never been to before."

요오우~ 바로이장면때매 많은사람들한태 걱정시켜서미안하구 걱정해줘서 고마워요~ 일단 이상황은 아무두 예상못햇던상황이여서 나두 처음앤 너어무당황했어요... 특희 늦인밤이구 다들 넘피곤해서 아무 생각없이 마즈막장소루가는길애 발쌩됀일이라 더당황햇구 난상황을파학한순간 근냥 나머지스탶들과동생들애서 쵀대한 떠러지개할라구 노력했쥐그와중애화두맣니낫구 왜냐믄이사람들은 재정신이않인사람들이기애 무먼짓을할찌모르니깐...다행이 일이더커지기전애 먼저길건너가있던 스탶들몃먕과 Security Guard가와서 잘마무리됐어요 매애앤~ 재일중요한건 아무도닷치지안쿠 무사희해결돼서... 여러분들이 아러야됄꺼는 아무나라나 좋운사람들있구 낲뿐사람들두있다는거... 특희 낫썬곳애 더욱더 낫썬사람들이있으면 Trouble 애 자석이됄수있다는황률이 더높아진다는것... 늦인밤앤 집앞애두 위험할수있는만큼 여러분들두 해왜여행을가시면 밤애다닐꺼면 꼭 단채루다니시구 혼자는다니시지마세요 매애앤...사람이나뿐놈으루 태어나는사람은없어요...상황이 사람을 나뿌개만드는거쥐... 그러니깐 Always Becareful~ 한번더 걱정시켜서 미안쏠 매애앤~ 빼애앰~!!! Yo~ Here is the scene that worried and disturbed so many people~1st off sorry for worrying everyone and thank you for caring~Basically this was a situation NOBODY was ready or accounted for~it was late at night and we were all very tired from the long flight and had no thoughts walking to out last location with blank minds... and then BAM... at first I thought it was a joke but then when I realized itwas a real situation &they were tryin 2 steal from me the 1st thing that came 2 my mind was to get these crazy guys as far away from the rest of the cast and crew as possible because these cats were not in their right minds... and LUCKILY before the situation got worse the rsst of the crew who went across the street beforehand came back with the security/bodyguards and the situation was resolved. Basically in whatever country you go to there will be good people and bad. But u always need to becareful~especially at night in a new place/foreign environment that you have never been to before~u will automatically be a magnet to trouble since you will stick out like a sore thumb~ even in your own neighborhood in the middle of the night can be dangerous but even moreso in a foreign environment~ so EVERYONE if u do go traveling and go out at night PLEASE becareful and move in groups and not alone... remember that nody is born a bad person... situations make a person bad~with that note I apologize once more for making so many worry~ and Thanks! BBBAAAMMM!!! #지오디 #fangod #박준형 #정기고 #소유 #작소진 #최민기 #JoonPark #ParkJoonHyung #Junggigo #SoYoo #Sojin #Minki #Ren #Nuest #GirlsDay #Sistar #JTBC #사서고생 #위애너무길개써서내눈이사팔쓰돼서오늘은해쉬태그안써매애앤

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