Produce 101
Still from the finale of Produce 101 on April 5 2016 Facebook/Produce101

Former Produce 101 contestants Lee Hae In and Lee Soo Hyun have terminated their contract with SS Entertainment stating they are hampering their "freedom with economic activity". The duo had filed a lawsuit against their former agency claiming the unfair terms and conditions of the agreement.

The lawyer representing the trainees said: "The length of the exclusive contract is too long, and the scope of the contract is too broad in that it affects their freedom with economic activity. They didn't receive an explanation of the contract content nor did they ever see the contract."

The representative also claimed that the agency did not provide proper training to the girls and failed to launch them within a year as agreed, Allkpop reported.

However, amid all the legal proceedings, the parties mutually decided to part ways outside the courtroom on 24 May. Reportedly, Hae In and Soo Hyun were set free by the agency without any terms and obligations.

Their representative revealed: "Lee Hae In and Lee Soo Hyun have come to an agreement with label SS Entertainment to terminate their contracts on May 24. After long discussions, Lee Hae In and Lee Soo Hyun have concluded that their contracts will be terminated without any terms or obligations, and the two sides will part ways with friendly relations."

The official added: "The previous lawsuit will be cancelled. We apologize to those whom we've caused worry and concerns for regarding Lee Hae In and Lee Soo Hyun's next steps. They will greet you with better images in the future."