The recent solar eclipse that the US people witnessed has crushed the record-holding popularity of the 2017 Super Bowl on Facebook. According to the social media giant itself, the "once in a lifetime" phenomenon has garnered more than 240 million engagements at the time of the event on Monday.
Facebook reported that 66 million people took part on the platform when the solar eclipse occurred. This figure is composed of 240 million engagements such as posting, commenting, sharing and reacting to anything related to solar eclipse.
Also read: Solar eclipse stuns spectators, twitterati shares mind blowing pictures
The 2017 Super Bowl had involved a total of 64 million Facebook users on 6 February. Among the most used tags on the solar eclipse are #eclipse2017, #solareclipse2017 and #totality.
Here is a representation of Facebook engagements as the solar eclipse happened, taking its path from Lincoln Beach, Oregon to Charleston, South Carolina:

Also read: Solar Eclipse 2017: Is black moon related to Bible prophecy of the end of the world?
Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg himself joined the bandwagon and shared his own shots of the eclipse taken with a time lapse camera right on top the company's Oregon data centre.
Meanwhile, here is NASA's live video stream of the eclipse which now has more than 30 million views in total.