Lee Sung Kyung and Jo Hye Jung
Lee Sung Kyung and Jo Hye Jung Twitter

Actress Lee Sung Kyung recently apologized for the recent controversy related to herself and "Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo" actress Jo Hye Jung by posting a statement on her official fancafe.

The controversy began with an Instagram Live broadcast which was done in March but netizens noticed it recently. According to Soompi, actress Jo Hye Jung did commentary for the drama, "Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo" by turning on Instagram live. Little later, actress Lee Sung Kyung also came live on Instagram which made the netizens believe that she did it on purpose to outdo Jo Hye Jung.

In fact, the netizens also pointed out that in the video someone can be heard saying, "You should just turn yours off," "Don't look so down," and netizens identified it to be none other than Lee Sung Kyung.

Moreover, as Lee Sung Kyung has more followers than Jo Hye Jung she drew more viewers on the live broadcast than the later.

In her statement of apology, Lee Sung Kyung mentioned that the controversy made her and Jo Hye Jung pretty confused and surprised. The actress revealed, "[Jo Hye Jung and I] are like Bok Joo and Nan Hee in that we have many memories together and care for each other very much. Those who watched the drama will know but how could anyone not like someone as lovable as Nan Hee or want to hurt her feelings?"

The actress cleared it further by saying that she not used to Instagram live as Jo Hye Jung is, after watching her having such a great time doing a live broadcast, she decided to turn hers too just for fun.

She also mentioned the actual scenario behind the controversial comments during the broadcasts. Sung Kyung said, "The comments I made that might read as potentially hurtful align with the joking banter that usually takes place between myself and Jo Hye Jung on set...We always bickered on set in a way that was cute and fun. For those who don't know this, I understand how the situation could have been misunderstood. We truly didn't know that those teasing remarks would be perceived in this way."

She also explained that the comment "Don't look so down," was actually directed at actor Nam Joo Hyuk and not Jo Hye Jung which was wrongly predicted by the netizens.

She continued, "Through this incident, I realized how much our normal, joyful moments can be seen in a completely different light and misunderstood based on perspective."

However, Lee Sung Kyung stated that she had apologized to Jo Hye Jung, in case if she was hurt because of her comments.

Jo Hye Jung, in response said, "You probably already know this but I really like you and I was really happy that we were able to work on such a great project together. I want us to be friends for along time so I'll try even harder too."

Lee Sung Kyung explained, "[Jo Hye Jung] is someone that I can't help but adore. I've never once though of Jo Hye Jung as just a junior."

The actress concluded stating, "I will act more responsibly and thoughtfully from now on...I am someone who is still very lacking in many ways. I will reflect on my actions and return after I have made improvements. Thank you to everyone who pointed this out to me."