windows 10 free upgrade
An abtract of Windows 10 interface (YannickFran/Wikimedia Commons)

Microsoft Corporation is finally putting an end to a free Windows 10 upgrade. Consumers are given until the last day of the year to upgrade their devices' assistive technologies needing Windows 10 without being charged.

Since July 31, 2016, a few days after Microsoft officially launched Windows 10 to the public, the cloud software giant cut off the avenue for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 devices to upgrade their devices to Windows 10 for free. Nevertheless, Microsoft chose to open the free upgrade path to the latest operating system upgrade for those who wish to update their assistive technologies requiring Windows 10, still for free.

Also read: Wants Windows 10 Pro for free? Here's how to legally install it without product key

For the uninitiated, assistive technologies (AT) are software or hardware devices that help people enable some functionalities or use a device. In Windows 10, some of the more popular AT are the magnifier to read bigger texts, a screen narrator and high contrast display settings.

On Microsoft page, however, the Washington-headquartered company made it clear to completely end the free Windows 10 upgrade even for assistive technologies. Otherwise, owners of PC running Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 will have to pay US$119 for them to get a copy of Windows 10 Home beyond December 31. Cheaper licenses are available on Amazon and other shops.

"If you use assistive technologies, you can upgrade to Windows 10 at no cost as Microsoft continues our efforts to improve the Windows 10 experience for people who use these technologies. Please take advantage of this offer before it expires on December 31, 2017," reads Microsoft's support page.

Microsoft urges Windows device owners to upgrade their OS, promising "more features and improvements" that come along with it. Also, Windows 10 is "safer and more secure, and more personal and productive," said the company.