
Was the universe, as we know it, really born with one big bang? Or are the controversy theorists right about the fact that there is something alien going around in the background that we simply don't know about? The crème de la crème of the scientific community are wondering as to how the universe didn't blow off with a poof at the very beginning.

According to what we know so far, when the universe was born, equal parts of matter and antimatter were produced by the Big Bang within the meandering nothing of the infinite space.

However, there is a small gaping hole in the theory. Matter and antimatter are almost indistinguishable, other than their opposite electrical charges and the fact that they zap each other out. So, when they came in each other's vicinity, the result should have been a violent eruption due to the combustion. Therefore, nothing that is here now, should have been here. Let that sink in for a moment.

Brilliant minds at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) are now looking at exactly how the entire thing might have actually happened and how matter got to dominate the antimatter, making everything, that is here now, possible.

Researchers have tried all the permutation and combinations where they have deduced the particles' mass differences and change in electric charges, but the result has remained the same, reported New York Post.

Even the latest research, which is supposed to be the most precise measurement done so far, has yielded the same result. The findings of this research were recently published in Nature.

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Christian Smorra, the study's lead author, noted in a statement,  "All of our observations find a complete symmetry between matter and antimatter, which is why the universe should not actually exist," therefore, "an asymmetry must exist here somewhere but we simply do not understand where the difference is. What is the source of the symmetry break?"

Now, that's a mystifying question.