Why sisters may be the key to understanding autism risk

Unenthusiastic feelings that autistic kids consistently face may result in developing the risk of low self-esteem, mental health issues and feeling pessimistic in the course of time, claimed researchers.

Autism is neurodevelopment disorder that weakens the ability of the child to effectively communicate and interact with other kids. In the long run, autism may lead to the social and emotional problems in schools that unfavorably affect their self-image.

"Inclusive mainstream education settings may inadvertently accentuate the sense of being different in a negative way to classmates," said lead author Emma Williams, Professor at the Britain's University of Surrey.

Evaluating 17 previous studies revealed that children with autism view themselves pessimistically and react according to how other kids treat and interact with them in school.

Moreover, these kids tend to develop the habit to internalize the negative attitudes and other reactions. When they are exposed to unfavorable social comparisons with other kids eventually, the past experience of discrimination limits their talent than their classmates.

Feeling rejected and suffering negative self-perception among children with autism may make them more susceptible to mental health issues and related diseases. The most common mental issues could be heart disease, diabetes and depression.

Those with autism but involved in positive relations with classmates and felt no discrimination among classmates could mitigate pessimistic thoughts and remain emotionally stable, said researchers in a paper published in the Journal of Autism.

"We are not saying that mainstream schools are bad for children with autism, as other evidence suggests that they have a number of positives effects, including increasing academic performance and social skills," said Williams.

"We are suggesting that by cultivating a culture of acceptance of all and making small changes, such as creating non-distracting places to socialize, and listening to their pupils' needs, schools can help pupils think and feel more positively about themselves," she said.