A boy hailing from Tennessee posted a heartbreaking video of him speaking up against those who bully him and others on the internet.
Keaton Jones of Knoxville, Tennessee expressed the painful struggle of being a victim of bullying to his mother Kimberly in a Facebook video on Friday, with tears running down continuously from his eyes.
The video has been viewed more than 21 million times as of Sunday night and is receiving more views.
He told his mother in the car with teary eyes, "They make fun of my nose. They call me ugly. They say I have no friends,"
"They "put milk on me and put ham down my clothes, throw bread on me", he added.
He also questions the bullies saying, "Just out of curiosity, why do they bully? What's the point of it?" he asked. "Why do you find joy in taking innocent people and finding a way to be mean to them? It's not okay."
Keaton also said that he can understand what other victims also go through and stated that it's 'not okay' to bully the people weaker than you.
"I don't like that they do it to me. And I, for sure, don't like that they do it to other people, cause it's not okay!. People that are different don't need to be criticized about it. It's not their fault."
Check out the video here:
Keaton's mother Kimberly Jones wrote, "For the record, Keaton asked to do this AFTER he had me pick him up AGAIN because he was afraid to go to lunch", alongside the moving video.
"My kids are by no stretch perfect, & at home, he's as all boy as they come, but by all accounts he's good at school.Talk to your kids. I've even had friends of mine tell me they're kids were only nice to him to get him to mess with people. We all know how it feels to want to belong, but only a select few know how it really feels not to belong anywhere" she further added.
The video conveying Keaton's message has drawn public attention causing a huge wave on social media. Some celebrities have tweeted sending comforting messages for him.
Check what the celebs have said in support of Keaton:
Stay strong, Keaton. Don’t let them make you turn cold. I promise it gets better. While those punks at your school are deciding what kind of people they want to be in this world, how would you and your mom like to come to the Avengers premiere in LA next year? https://t.co/s1QwCQ3toi
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) December 10, 2017
This broke my ? today. Please be kind to one another. #standwithkeaton https://t.co/8XBbFmnuc1
— KATY PERRY (@katyperry) December 10, 2017
#KeatonJones, your curiosity and kindness will overcome this moment and bring you many better days to come. #StandWithKeaton https://t.co/8t4ojKLs72
— Ryan Seacrest (@RyanSeacrest) December 10, 2017
Keaton, this is so accurate. Why do people do this? I think your sooo cool Keaton! I wanna be your friend ( but srsly) ur freakin awesome ❤️ https://t.co/LD7Q762bL9
— Millie Bobby Brown (@milliebbrown) December 9, 2017
Hi @Lakyn_Jones, could you pass this message along to Keaton? ❤ pic.twitter.com/3l8P4fKAqW
— Hailee Steinfeld (@HaileeSteinfeld) December 10, 2017
You are the MAN #KeatonJones. That video is powerful and correct. Bullying is not okay. ✊?
— terrycrews (@terrycrews) December 11, 2017
@DonteStallworth @Lakyn_Jones hopefully my video and the tweets that Keaton have been getting brings awareness to bullying and how serious it is in our school system pic.twitter.com/1Dujv3RxA5
— Delanie walker (@delaniewalker82) December 9, 2017
Keaton- hang in there. Keep studying and never lose sight of your dreams. I was bullied and called fat. It gets better. Your bullies have been hurt somehow and that is why they need to hurt. They will fade away. Adventure is out there. #Keatonjones https://t.co/r5pENrI9f3
— Ed Asner (@TheOnlyEdAsner) December 10, 2017
I #StandwithKeaton. Keaton baby, just know you’re not alone. There are so many people who come out of bullying so much stronger and you will be one of them!! God bless you sweetheart. https://t.co/LdCAy2lDHu
— Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) December 11, 2017