Cardinal George Pell navigates media scrum during court appearance

Police helped clear the way for Cardinal George Pell to navigate through a pack of reporters so he could appear in Melbourne Magistrates Court on July 26. A barrister for the Vatican treasurer told the court Pell would plead not guilty to historic sex offence allegations. The details of the charges facing Pell have not yet been disclosed, other than that they involve multiple complainants. Jul 26, 2017

US House of Representatives pass sanctions bill

he U.S. House of Representatives voted to slap more sanctions on Russia, Iran, and North Korea. The bill defies President Trumps objections to such legislation but was backed by Republicans and Democrats alike. The bill still needs to pass through the Senate before getting to the White House for Trump to sign or veto. The House-passed bill would codify into law existing sanctions on Russia. New sanctions would be imposed upon  Iran for their ballistic missile development. While North Koreas shipping industry and use of slave labor would be targeted for the countrys nuclear and missile programs. The White House says President Trump has not yet considered vetoing or signing the bill into law. Jul 26, 2017

Watch Indian Air Force rescue man from electric pole in flood-hit Gujarat state

The footage shows the dramatic rescue of a man by an Indian Air Force helicopter on Tuesday (25 July). The man was clinging onto an electric pole amid gushing flood waters in the western Indian state of Gujarat. The unidentified man had climbed the pole to escape severe flooding. The footage shows his surroundings entirely submerged by flood waters. A high alert has been issued in parts of Gujarat that have been severely affected by floods. The regional government has kept the Air Force on stand-by to evacuate people. Jul 26, 2017

Five amazing ways sharks help humans

The annual success of Shark Week continues to show how fascinated and petrified we are of these creatures. If anything, sharks should be afraid of humans — many species of sharks are threatened by human activities, including overfishing and shark finning. If sharks were to disappear, it would be bad news for all of us. Here are just a few of the reasons why. Jul 26, 2017

Despacito singers condemn Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduros use of hit song as Propaganda

Maduros version of the Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee song asks Venezuelans to vote in favour of an assembly to rewrite the countrys constitution. After the cover was revealed on July 23, both artists slammed the use of the song, as well as the Venezuelan government itself. Rapper Daddy Yankee wrote on Instagram on 24 July : That you illegally appropriate a song does not compare with the crimes you commit and have committed in Venezuela. Jul 25, 2017

Jared Kushner: I did not collude with Russia

Jared Kushner says he did not collude with any foreign governments during the 2016 election. Kushner is testifying in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Monday in relation to the Russia probe. He released a statement prior to his testimony, claiming that he did not know the purpose of the June 2016 meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia V. Veselnitskaya, during which the Trump campaign hoped to obtain damaging information on opponent Hillary Clinton. President Trumps son-in-law and senior adviser distanced himself from the meeting. Kushner says he was invited to the meeting by his brother-in-law, Donald Trump Jr., but did not read Trumps email and tried leaving the meeting after he arrived. Donald Trump Jr. is also expected to testify in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Jul 25, 2017