slow eating down diabetes and metabolic syndrome
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Eating slowly helps in treating obesity and improves the condition of the heart and helps prevent stroke. People who eat very slowly are less likely to suffer from obesity or heart diseases, claim researchers. The study published its detail information in the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2017. It was a global exchange of the latest advances in cardiovascular science.

People suffering from high level of blood sugar, high blood pressure, high triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol are more prone to obesity, said, Japanese researchers.

The team of researchers examined 642 men and 441 women, aged between 51 to 52 years. These participants were segmented into 3 groups based on their eating speed.

The study states that fast eaters are more likely to develop obesity by 11.6 percent compared to both normal eaters and slow eaters who might develop obesity by 6.5 percent and 2.3 percent respectively. People who eat fast bears a higher risk of getting overweight, high blood pressure and diabetes.

"Eating more slowly may be a crucial lifestyle change to help prevent metabolic syndrome," said lead author Takayuki Yamaji, M.D. cardiologist at Hiroshima University in Japan.
"When people eat fast they tend not to feel full and are more likely to overeat. Eating fast causes bigger glucose fluctuation, which can lead to insulin resistance. We also believe our research would apply to a U.S. population," said Yamaji.