Sleep deprivation shrinks your brain
Sleep deprivation shrinks your brain Pixabay

Have you ever experienced extreme exhaustion at your workplace or anywhere else? If you have come across such a problem then it is solely due to sleep deprivation or less sleep, claims study.  In the long run, it may even affect your brain function due to the limited amount of rest given to your sleep. 

Sleep deprivation is the stae of not having sufficient sleep; it can be chronic or acute as well.It could have negative consequences for your health. When you sleep for less than 7 to 8 hours, it may affect some prominent hormones and organs in the body, thus reducing the metabolism rate in the body. 

Insufficient sleep has harmful effects such as impaired memory and judgment and can also lead to an increased risk of stroke, obesity, and cardiovascular disease, added study. Sleep deprivation leads to numerous health defects and in future may even result in early death. 

Another study found that less sleep may raise the levels of proteins which has a link with Alzheimer's disease. People with chronic sleep disorders should be extra cautious as they are more prone to get affected by this disease.

The study led by scientists at Stanford University, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and Radboud University Medical Centre in the Netherlands says, "Slow wave sleep disruption increases cerebrospinal fluid amyloid-β levels". This waswritten in the journal Brain.

"We showed that poor sleep is associated with higher levels of two Alzheimer's-associated proteins," Dr. David M. Holtzman and the study's senior researcher, stated in a news release.

"We think that perhaps chronic poor sleep during middle age may increase the risk of Alzheimer's later in life," Holtzman added.

"Sleep is even more multifaceted and fascinating than we realize," said Sigrid Veasey, another professor at the University of Pennsylvania.

"The findings reveal interesting new aspects of the complex relationship between sleep and the brain and the vital role that sleep plays in everyday human functioning," said Sigrid. 

The researchers used a micro-RNA expression that worked as an indicator for sleep loss in rats and humans, suggesting a possible method for predicting those at risk for diseases and cognitive deficits typically associated with sleep deprivation.

The research also found that the brain preferentially reactivates negative memories during sleep, prioritizing the retention of the emotional memories in particular.

According to the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience 2017, the optimum amount of sleep extremely helps to improve cognitive function and increase the memory capacity at a faster rate. 

Moreover, sleep is an important factor which has got numerous health benefits and helps reduce the major risk factors of diseases such as blood pressure, diabetes, and heart attack. Most importantly it helps to improve brain function.