
A Singapore-based artificial intelligence (AI) and big data analytics company has challenged Google claiming that they already have a job searching platform with similar approach and as good or even better technology than Google's. It has also asked the tech-giant to  join them in a "head-to-head race to see who can match job seekers with their dream jobs more accurately."

This comes a few days after Google announced a platform to make it easier for the job seekers to find their dream jobs, named "Google For Jobs" at the Google I/O 2017.

According to the Singapore-based company JobTech, Google VP Vint Cerf has responded they will consider the challenge. "We hope to have the opportunity to benchmark JobTech with Google for Jobs. We would like to propose a competition between JobTech and Google for Jobs on the accuracy of job matching," wrote the company in the letter that it sent to Google and Cerf replied that he will raise the challenge internally for consideration.

"Vint Cerf's response has invigorated our team," said JobTech co-founder Wee Tiong Ang. "We are thrilled and humbled that he took the time to read our letter and respond." He also said, "When Google announced Google For Jobs, we were excited as it validates the pioneering work we'd done in Asia with JobTech. We've built an AI engine that can process local nuances in this diverse region with Asian language capabilities in Vietnamese, Japanese, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin, and English. Asia is our wheelhouse. We may not be Google, but JobTech has spent 10 years developing this deep technology that crunches jobs data faster and more accurately than ever before; and we are ready to put our money where our mouth is."

"We want a friendly challenge with Google and look forward to pitting our team against theirs," added Ang.


JobTech is a Singapore-based startup company that was launched in 2016. It uses deep machine learning and distributional semantics technologies to help people find work and to help employers identify the right employees. The company has created a skills graph made up of more than 50 million data points from across Asia, said the company. The graph gives invaluable insights into regional skills, competencies and job opportunities, they added.

"The best outcome obviously, is a win against Google, but we are also excited for the chance to compete alongside great engineers who've built the most powerful search engine in the world. We can certainly learn from each other," co-founder Ang said.


JobTech hopes to prove that its technology is more efficient and accurate in job matching than Google. JobTech has proposed that in the challenge, each team will be racing to find the perfect job for a job seeker in Singapore, or in the region.