samsung shade at apple
A screenshot of Samsung's Growing Up ad showing an Apple fanboy with haircut that looks like the iPhone X's "notch" screen shape (Samsung/YouTube)

Samsung absolutely knows when to make fun of archrival Apple, running the show lately with its newly-released Samsung Galaxy advertisement. In the one-minute video ad, Samsung Mobile US pokes fun at Apple by throwing the most straightforward and applause-worthy diss at the iPhone maker by showing the timeline of its Galaxy milestones and how Apple was doing around the same time.

Titled Samsung Galaxy: Growing Up, the ad starts off with mock-up scenes in 2007 when Apple fans were lining up outside an Apple Store to get their hands on the first-ever iPhone. The ad goes on crystallising the weaknesses of every iPhone in the course of time.

Also read: Singaporean drops S$1,888 iPhone X onto MRT rails moments after 16-hour queue, it still works! [PHOTOS]

The first hole on the line is Apple's low memory storage offering; the company had 16 gigabytes of space in older iPhone models. Samsung also mocks Apple's inability to pull off a water and dust-resistant devices until 2016. Even the quality of photos and the wireless charging are pointed out in the ad.

Apparently, Apple's newer phones already ticked off these features and advancements. The message Samsung might want to deliver is the fact they are two steps ahead of Apple.

Not to mention, Chyvonne Scott's I'm moving on track plays in the background with opening lyrics that say "I used to be spellbound in your arms", a statement that Samsung wants Apple fanboys to know that iPhone X's charm is enticing but fleeting.

And the funniest part of the ad is just right within the last few frames where an Apple fanboy with an odd haircut waits in a queue outside an Apple Store. He is too obsessed with iPhone that his haircut pretty much looks like the iPhone X's "notch" screen shape.

Check out the whole video clip below!

On Twitter, the age-old debate for supremacy between Samsung and Apple stalwarts are on. Some Twitteratis are waiting for Apple's clapback and some praises Samsung for such a bold and genius move. But for some Apple fans, judgment is in their own hands, hitting Samsung back.

At press time, Apple has yet to comment on Samsung's new dig.