Donald Trump warns North Korea of devastating consequences if US uses military option

As tension in the Korean peninsula is getting elevated day by day, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has now openly come forward and blamed the United States for provocating North Korea to start a war. Sergei Lavrov also asked Asian countries to be wary of the US' ambitions and motivations in the region.

US aiming to trigger a war with North Korea

According to Lavrov, North Korea has stood away from conducting missile tests and nuclear operations for the past two months, but Washington, who is not happy with this development, is continuously provoking Pyongyang so that Kim Jong-un will take a blind move which may trigger a war.

"We are alarmed that in the last two months when North Korea conducted no tests or rocket launches, it seemed that Washington was not happy about that, and tried to do things that would irritate and provoke Pyongyang. It's as if they are hoping that they (the North Koreans) will lash out again, and then it would be possible to engage in military options," said Lavrov, reports Reuters.

The Russian Foreign Minister made these remarks after meeting his Japanese counterpart, Taro Kono in Moscow. As per reports, Lavrov has criticized Japan for not taking effective steps to discourage the heated provocations from the US on North Korea. Lavrov believes that the US is continuously passing new sanctions against North Korea and is holding military exercises in the region. Russia questions why the US is embracing such steps in a period in which Pyongyang is remaining silent against Washington.

"We have no problems directly with Japan, we do not see risks there. We see risks because of the proliferation of a global U.S. missile defence system on the territory of countries that neighbour Russia, including Japan," added Lavrov.

Lavrov also expressed his concerns over the stand of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who previously told that the county will support the American position 100 percent.

"As you know, the U.S. leadership has said many times that all options are on the table, including military options, and we note that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, at a meeting with President Trump in early November, said that he supports the American position 100 percent," continued the Russian Foreign Minister.

Japan defended their stand

As a reply to the remarks made by the Russian Foreign Minister, Taro Kono told that Japan is always concerned about Pyongyang's nuclear ambitions, and he even cited the example of a North Korean missile which flew over the Japanese territory above the Japanese territory.

"Japan welcomes the position of the United States, which is that to protect Japan and South Korea, all means of deterrence will be used," said Kono.

Earlier, when the US declared North Korea a state sponsor of terrorism, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has welcomed the decision and added that the move from the US will exert immense pressure on North Korea.