Articles by Staff Reporter
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George H W Bush apologizes in response to sexual assault claim

Former President George H W Bush has apologized to actress Heather Lind who accused the president of sexual assault. Lind described in a Instagram posted that has now been deleted how he touched her from behind. A spokesperson for the former President described the episode as his attempt at humor Oct 26, 2017

U.K. Holocaust memorial to be built near Houses of Parliament

A Holocaust memorial will be built in Victoria Town Gardens near to the Houses of Parliament in London.The memorial will be designed by Adjaye Associates who won an international competition to design the memorial.The U.K. government have pledged £50m towards the construction which is proposed to be open by 2021. Oct 25, 2017

Philippines iconic jeepneys to be replaced with eco-friendly models

Electric shuttles will soon replace Manilas iconic jeepneys, as one of the citys main forms of public transport. The diesel-powered jeepney is the Philippines most popular and inexpensive mode of public transport. But the jeepney has also been contributing significantly to air and noise pollution. Oct 25, 2017

University of Edinburgh vets help save bear with monstrously enlarged tongue

An Asian black bear was saved from a painful illness that caused its tongue to swell to an enormous size thanks to a team from the University of Edinburgh, who traveled to Myanmar to operate on him. The 18-month-old bear, called Nyan htoo, was rescued by a monastery when he was a cub, alongside his brother Kan htoo. Following the rescue, Nyan htoo contracted an infection, which the Edinburgh veterinary team said may have been mosquito-transmitted elephantiasis. Oct 25, 2017

No obvious heir for Chinese president as Xi Jinping unveils new leadership

A day after the conclusion of the 19th Communist Party of China National Congress, the party unveiled the list of members of its newly-formed Politburo Standing Committee on Oct. 25 at Beijings Great Hall of the People. The committee will comprise seven members, including President Xi Jinping, who was elected the general secretary of the CPC Central Committee for a second term on Tuesday. The seven-man line-up will be the first time no Standing Committee member will have been born before the 1949 Communist revolution. Oct 25, 2017

Mexican police officer stands guard over nesting sea turtles

An armed officer from the Mexican Federal Police stood guard over a beach full of nesting sea turtles in a video posted on 24 October. Almost every species of sea turtles is listed as endangered and faces fishing net threats, boat propeller accidents and the destruction of their habitats by humans. They are also killed for their meat and eggs. Oct 25, 2017

Mexican police officer stands guard over nesting sea turtles

An armed officer from the Mexican Federal Police stood guard over a beach full of nesting sea turtles in a video posted on 24 October. Almost every species of sea turtles is listed as endangered and faces fishing net threats, boat propeller accidents and the destruction of their habitats by humans. They are also killed for their meat and eggs. Oct 25, 2017

Republican Senator Jeff Flake blasts Donald Trump for his mercurial behaviour

In a blistering speech, Senator Jeff Flake, a Republican from Arizona, lambasted President Donald Trump for his mercurial behaviour and for undermining American values. Flake, a frequent critic of the commander-in-chief, also announced that he will not seek re-election at the end of his term in early January 2019. Oct 25, 2017

A gun rights advocate argues against gun control

After the recent mass shooting in Las Vegas, many are looking to Congress to pass comprehensive gun reform legislation. But gun rights advocates have long opposed increased regulation. Newsweek sat down with Alexander Roubian, President of the New Jersey 2nd Amendment Society to get the pro-gun rights perspective. Oct 25, 2017

Trump vs Bob Corker: Who said what?

Donald Trump and Bob Corkers ongoing feud escalated with the American president calling Corker incompetent, and the US senator naming the White House adult day care center. Oct 25, 2017

Trump vs Bob Corker: Who said what?

Donald Trump and Bob Corkers ongoing feud escalated with the American president calling Corker incompetent, and the US senator naming the White House adult day care center. Oct 25, 2017

Why did US soldiers die in Niger?

Four US soldiers were killed in Niger, after being ambushed by machine-gun and rocket fire. Several US Military officials believe the service members were set up in a Niger village by jihadi sympathisers. Oct 25, 2017