Articles by Staff Reporter
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Who is Wallis Simpson? The American who nearly destroyed the British royal family

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are officially engaged,but this isnt the first time a royal has married an American. The last time it happened it nearly caused the collapse of the British Monarchy. Wallis Simpson caused controversy when she became entangled with Edward VIII. Like Markle, Simpson was a divorcee. But the 1930s was a much less forgiving time. People thought Simpson was politically, socially, and morally unsuitable to be potentially Queen. The only way Edward could marry Simpson was to abdicate the throne, which he did on 10 December 1936. In the next year Edward married Simpson in France. This time however it seems to be smoother sailing for Harry and Meghans wedding,which is set for Spring 2018. Nov 29, 2017

Indonesia volcano eruption creates cold lava mud rivers in Bali

Mount Agung in Bali, Indonesia, hurled plumes of smoke and ash on 27 November, creating torrents of mud made up of volcanic debris, known as cold lava or lahar. Indonesian officials said that 100,000 people around the area were told to evacuate. Nov 28, 2017

Shocking Japanese whaling footage shows barbaric hunt in Australian whale sanctuary

A graphic video of Japanese fishermen hunting whales in an Australian ocean sanctuary in the Antarctic region has finally been released, nearly a decade after it was caught on camera and after five years of legal battle. The footage released by Sea Shepherd conservation group shows the men using a harpoon on a whale before dragging its injured body on to their boat. Nov 28, 2017

What Trump has said about other world leaders

US President Donald Trump doesnt shy away from speaking his mind about his global counterparts, from Vladimir Putin to The Pope, here are some of the best quotes from the president about other word leaders.  Nov 28, 2017

Trump Panama hotel owners trying to strip presidents name

Owners of the Trump International Hotel in Panama City are trying to strip the presidents name from the building and remove his company from management, the Associated Press reported on 27 November. In October, Ithaca proposed removing the Trump Organisations directors from the hotel board and sending a notice of default to Trump, to begin terminating Trumps link to the property, after complaints over alleged mismanagement. Nov 28, 2017

This company is using plastic waste to combat poverty

The Plastic Bank are on a mission to increase the value of plastic and reduce poverty. The company have come up with a market-driven solution whereby local people can collect plastic waste and exchange it for money or essential items. They have set up collection points in countries all over the world including Haiti and the Philippines. Nov 28, 2017

NASA astronaut takes in earths beauty from space

Astronaut Randy Bresnik took a moment to take in the astonishing view of earth from the international space station.Bresnik was conducting a 6 hour space walk with flight engineer Joe Acaba to perform maintenance on the station.They have been at the space station since July and are conducting 250 scientific experiments. Nov 28, 2017

NASA astronaut takes in earths beauty from space

Astronaut Randy Bresnik took a moment to take in the astonishing view of earth from the international space station.Bresnik was conducting a 6 hour space walk with flight engineer Joe Acaba to perform maintenance on the station.They have been at the space station since July and are conducting 250 scientific experiments. Nov 28, 2017

Hawaii brings back Cold War-era nuclear attack warning signal amid North Korea threats

Hawaii is reinstating a decades-old, nuclear attack warning signal in an effort to prepare for a potential North Korean missile launch. According to a report issued by the Hawaii Department of Defense, residents should prepare to be sheltered for as long as 14 days, but 90% of the population would survive a nuclear attack. North Korea is pursuing nuclear weapons and missile programs in defiance of UN Security Council sanctions and has made no secret of its plans to develop a nuclear-tipped missile capable of hitting the US mainland. Nov 28, 2017