Articles by ​Rahul K R
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Neural circuits to control alertness not evolved much: Study

Researchers have found that the neurons which control the alertness in animals haven't changed much during evolution. The research is a new breakthrough which suggests brains in humans and other animals have same neural patterns to control their alertness. Nov 5, 2017

New species of Orangutans found in Indonesia, now there are 3 types!

Researchers have identified a new species of orangutan, the reddish-haired ape in the Sumatra Island of Indonesia. With the new classification, the orangutans have 3 distinct species among them. The new species has been marked as the 7th member of the ape category. Nov 3, 2017

Human brain not great as believed: study

A recent research has proved that humans do not consume as much energy which could give them better brain power when compared to other animals. The study on energy intake by the human brain with the comparison to other animal species found that other animals too consume a good percentage of energy for their brain functions. Nov 3, 2017

Safety First: NASA, Boeing to usher in new aviation technology by 2017 end

NASA and Boeing have come together to form a new technology for safer aviation. The combined research has developed a technology which could help pilots to detect the surrounding regions even during adverse weather conditions and other critical circumstances. The technology will be tested from the last part of 2017. Nov 2, 2017

New health suits designed by Chinese scientists to monitor health

The 'intellectual suits' which could detect the health of its wearer was introduced at the 3rd International Conference of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems in Beijing. It would use wireless communication to communicate with smartphones, computers giving the description of the health status of its user. Oct 27, 2017

Human Genes undergo changes in space: NASA

A NASA research on identical twins has found that human genes would undergo changes during space travels. Another research on plants would help to identify the changes that happen to them in the space. The research could help in future Mars settlement. Oct 25, 2017

Salt layers discovered in Mars, could be mined for fertilizers

The European Space Agencies Mars Express and NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) have found salt layers on the Martian surface which were formed by volcanic eruptions. This salts also known as the Centi Mansa deposits which could be used as fertilizers for Martian missions in future. Oct 25, 2017