Donald Trump warns North Korea will be met with fire and fury if threats continue

President Donald Trump warned North Korea would be met with fire and fury if the country made more threats to the U.S.This comes hours after it was revealed that North Korea successfully produced a miniaturized nuclear warhead that can fit its missiles, a key step to become a full-fledged nuclear power, according to U.S. Intel officials. Aug 9, 2017

Jacob Zuma remains in power: South Africas president survives no confidence motion

Jacob Zuma remains in power. South Africas President Jacob Zuma survived the eighth no confidence motion against him. 177 out of 400 voted in favor of the motion, while 198 objected and 9 abstained. This is the eighth time that Zuma has faced a no confidence vote against himself, but also the first time that such a vote is held anonymous. The opposition party lobbied for the vote to be held privately due to concerns that many MPs fear punishments if they publicly vote against the president. Despite Zumas successful election and reelection in 2009 and 2014 respectively, he has been constantly dogged by accusations of corruptions. Zuma was acquitted of 783 charges of corruptions related to government arm deals in 2009, and was accused of using public fund to renovate his private property in 2014. Aug 9, 2017

White House faces climate report

The White House is actively reviewing a damning climate report after it came to the conclusion it is extremely likely human activity has been a primary cause of rising temperatures over the past four decades. EPA administrator Scott Pruitt and Energy Secretary Rick Perry have long questioned this viewpoint, but the report warns that no alternative explanations and no natural cycles are found in the observational record. Aug 9, 2017

Donald Trump warns North Korea will be met with fire and fury if threats continue

President Donald Trump warned North Korea would be met with fire and fury if the country made more threats to the U.S.This comes hours after it was revealed that North Korea successfully produced a miniaturized nuclear warhead that can fit its missiles, a key step to become a full-fledged nuclear power, according to U.S. Intel officials. Aug 9, 2017

The opioid epidemic: About 142 Americans die everyday

The opioid epidemic has been called the worst ever drug crisis to hit the US. Approximately, 142 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose. In fact, drug overdoses now kill more people than gun homicides and car crashes combined.  Aug 8, 2017

North Korea issues new stamps celebrating ICBM launch

North Korea has released a new set of stamps to commemorate the test launches of its latest intercontinental ballistic missle (ICBM), the Hwasong-14. The stamps depict the missile launch and the leader of North Korea, King Jong Un, celebrating. Aug 9, 2017

Israel wants to shut down Al Jazeera local broadcasts

Israel moves to kick Al Jazeera out of the country, accusing them of inciting violence in Jerusalem. The government plans to revoke the credentials of Al Jazeera journalists, close its Jerusalem bureau and shut down its broadcasts. The move will add pressure on Qatar about how it operates in the region. Al Jazeera responded that it would legally challenge Israels decision, calling it an attempt to silence independent journalism. Aug 9, 2017

The opioid epidemic: About 142 Americans die everyday

The opioid epidemic has been called the worst ever drug crisis to hit the US. Approximately, 142 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose. In fact, drug overdoses now kill more people than gun homicides and car crashes combined.  Aug 8, 2017

North Korea issues new stamps celebrating ICBM launch

North Korea has released a new set of stamps to commemorate the test launches of its latest intercontinental ballistic missle (ICBM), the Hwasong-14. The stamps depict the missile launch and the leader of North Korea, King Jong Un, celebrating. Aug 9, 2017

Israel wants to shut down Al Jazeera local broadcasts

Israel moves to kick Al Jazeera out of the country, accusing them of inciting violence in Jerusalem. The government plans to revoke the credentials of Al Jazeera journalists, close its Jerusalem bureau and shut down its broadcasts. The move will add pressure on Qatar about how it operates in the region. Al Jazeera responded that it would legally challenge Israels decision, calling it an attempt to silence independent journalism. Aug 9, 2017

Trump attacks Senator Blumenthal again for supporting Russian collusion investigation

President Trump has attacked Connecticut Senator Blumenthal again, after the senator openly supported the investigation into alleged Russian presence in the 2016 election. Trump pointed to Blumenthals phony Vietnam War experience, where Blumenthal original said he served in the war, but apologised for his statement in 2010. Aug 8, 2017

Trump attacks Senator Blumenthal again for supporting Russian collusion investigation

President Trump has attacked Connecticut Senator Blumenthal again, after the senator openly supported the investigation into alleged Russian presence in the 2016 election. Trump pointed to Blumenthals phony Vietnam War experience, where Blumenthal original said he served in the war, but apologised for his statement in 2010. Aug 8, 2017