Pokemon GO Valentine's Day event
Pokemon GO Valentine's Day event kicks off with special bonuses for trainers Niantic

Avid Pokemon fans are in for some exciting news as the game developer 'Niantic Labs' has just announced the first in-game event of 2017 for the smash-hit augmented-reality game, ahead of the Valentine's Day. The special event themed after Valentine's Day features a bunch of bonus rewards and goodies for Pokemon trainers, as part of the in-game promotion to celebrate the auspicious day.

Some of the noteworthy additions include the ability to earn double the number of candies while hunting, hatching or transferring Pokemon, while Buddy Pokemon will find candies twice as fast as normal.

Among other perks, the valentine's themed event offers increased spawn rates for lovable pink Pokemon, including Chansea, Clefable, and Porygon. In addition, Cleffa, Igglypuff, and Smoochum will have better chance of hatching from eggs.

Trainers can now celebrate the big occasion with lure modules that last for six hours during the entire event, as opposed to the normal 30 minutes duration. However, all the bonus perks and goodies will be available for a limited period starting 11am PST on 8 February to 11am PST on 15 February.

The latest version of Pokemon GO is up for download via Google Play Store for Android as well as through Apple App Store for iOS. Alternatively, users can grab the Pokemon GO APK files via APK mirror.

[Source: Niantic Labs]