Nintendo's popular augmented-reality game 'Pokemon GO' has received fresh location changes to the rare Pokemon spawning nests as well as common Pokemon hot-spots in Singapore, following the February 2017 migration. Veteran members of the Pokemon community have recently updated the list of these spawn locations via Reddit to help Pokemon hunters in capturing the rarest Pokemons in the AR world.
A new thread titled '13th nest migration' has been posted to the 'Pokemon GO_Singapore' section of Reddit, which enables gamers to share and discuss the latest location changes to migrated spawn nests for rare Pokemons in Singapore.
Note: The list of newly-migrated spawn nests has been updated on Reddit based on user findings and feedback from the veteran members of the Pokemon GO community.
Check out the full list of migrated spawn nests for all rare Pokemons in Singapore, effective 9 February (in alphabetical order):
- Abra: ECP big splash
- Bulbasaur: Kent Ridge Park
- Charmander: Park Aquaria
- Charmander: Beside Golden Mile Complex
- Charmander: Jurong East Swimming Complex
- Cubone: Woodlands Waterfront
- Drowsee: Hort Park
- Electabuzz: Tampines Eco Green
- Electabuzz: USS
- Geodude: Gardens by the Bay
- Growlithe: NSRCC
- Growlithe: West Coast Park
- Growlithe: Sengkang Riverside Park
- Growlithe: Abra Waterway Point
- Machop: Japanese Gardens
- Mankey: Seletar Country Club
- Omanyte: ECP Zone E
- Omanyte: One-north Park
- Onix: Tembsu Park
- Onix: Tanah Merah Country Club
- Ponyta: CCK Park
- Ponyta: Bishan-AMK Park
- Ponyta: Bedok Reservoir
- Rhyhorn: Woodlands Square
- Rhyhorn: NSRCC (kranji area)
- Seel: Island Country Club
- Seel: ECP zone F
- Shellder: Taman Jurong Greens
- Slowpoke: SBG
- Vulpix: Rochester Hill
- Vulpix: Bukit Batok Nature Reserve
- Vulpix: Sentosa Golf Club