Pokemon GO Max CP
Maximum Combat Power (CP) for all 151 Pokemons using Power Up and Evolution features revealed YouTube

Pokemon GO fans can now achieve maximum Combat Power (CP) for their Rare and Legendary Pokemons using a simple upgrade guide for Power Up and Evolution gameplay features. It is imperative to note how many Pokemons are there and their precise location, before you can hunt down the strongest pocket monsters in the game.

Here is the complete list to help you identify all the 151 Pokemons in the game and the maximum CP Power Up supported by each one of them:

  • Bulbasaur - 1071
  • Ivysaur - 1632
  • Venusaur - 2580
  • Charmander - 955
  • Charmeleon - 1557
  • Charizard - 2602
  • Squirtle - 1008
  • Wartortle - 1582
  • Blastoise - 2542
  • Caterpie - 443
  • Metapod - 447
  • Butterfree - 1454
  • Weedle - 449
  • Kakuna - 485
  • Beedrill - 1439
  • Pidgey - 679
  • Pidgeotto - 1223
  • Pidgeot - 2091
  • Rattata - 581
  • Raticate - 1444
  • Spearow - 686
  • Fearow - 1746
  • Ekans - 824
  • Arbok - 1767
  • Pikachu - 887
  • Raichu - 2028
  • Sandshrew - 798
  • Sandslash - 1810
  • Nidoran - 876
  • Nidorina - 1404
  • Nidoqueen - 2485
  • Nidoran - 843
  • Nidorino - 1372
  • Nidoking - 2475
  • Clefairy - 1200
  • Clefable - 2397
  • Vulpix - 831
  • Ninetales - 2188
  • Jigglypuff - 917
  • Wigglytuff - 2177
  • Zubat - 642
  • Golbat - 1921
  • Oddish - 1148
  • Gloom - 1689
  • Vileplume - 2492
  • Paras - 916
  • Parasect - 1747
  • Venonat - 1029
  • Venomoth - 1890
  • Diglett - 456
  • Dugtrio - 1168
  • Meowth - 756
  • Persian - 1631
  • Psyduck - 1109
  • Golduck - 2386
  • Mankey - 878
  • Primeape - 1864
  • Growlithe - 1335
  • Arcanine - 2983
  • Poliwag - 795
  • Poliwhirl - 1340
  • Poliwrath - 2505
  • Abra - 600
  • Kadabra - 1131
  • Alakazam - 1813
  • Machop - 1089
  • Machoke - 1760
  • Machamp - 2594
  • Bellsprout - 1117
  • Weepinbell - 1723
  • Victreebel - 2530
  • Tentacool - 905
  • Tentacruel - 2220
  • Geodude - 849
  • Graveler - 1433
  • Golem - 2303
  • Ponyta - 1516
  • Rapidash - 2199
  • Slowpoke - 1218
  • Slowbro - 2597
  • Magnemite - 890
  • Magneton - 1879
  • Farfetch'd - 1263
  • Doduo - 855
  • Dodrio - 1836
  • Seel - 1107
  • Dewgong - 2145
  • Grimer - 1284
  • Muk - 2602
  • Shellder - 822
  • Cloyster - 2052
  • Gastly - 804
  • Haunter - 1380
  • Gengar - 2078
  • Onix - 857
  • Drowzee - 1075
  • Hypno - 2184
  • Krabby - 792
  • Kingler - 1823
  • Voltorb - 839
  • Electrode - 1646
  • Exeggcute - 1099
  • Exeggutor - 2955
  • Cubone - 1006
  • Marowak - 1656
  • Hitmonlee - 1492
  • Hitmonchan - 1516
  • Lickitung - 1626
  • Koffing - 1151
  • Weezing - 2250
  • Rhyhorn - 1182
  • Rhydon - 2243
  • Chansey - 675
  • Tangela - 1739
  • Kangaskhan - 2043
  • Horsea - 764
  • Seadra - 1713
  • Goldeen - 955
  • Seaking - 2043
  • Staryu - 937
  • Starmie - 2182
  • Mr. Mime - 1494
  • Scyther - 2073
  • Jynx - 1716
  • Electabuzz - 2119
  • Magmar - 2265
  • Pinsir - 2121
  • Tauros - 1844
  • Magikarp - 262
  • Gyarados - 2688
  • Lapras - 2980
  • Ditto - 919
  • Eevee - 1077
  • Vaporeon - 2816
  • Jolteon - 2140
  • Flareon - 2643
  • Porygon - 1691
  • Omanyte - 1119
  • Omastar - 2233
  • Kabuto - 1104
  • Kabutops - 2130
  • Aerodactyl - 2165
  • Snorlax - 3112
  • Articuno - 2978
  • Zapdos - 3114
  • Moltres - 3240
  • Dratini - 983
  • Dragonair - 1485
  • Dragonite - 3500
  • Mewtwo - 4144
  • Mew - 3299