
Men in the UK will have an easier time dealing with sexual problems as Viagra, the most popular impotence drug, will be available without prescription from now on. UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has allowed pharmacies to sell viagra over-the-counter after a public consultation. With this move, the United Kingdom has emerged as the first country where men can buy viagra without a medical practitioner's prescription.

The decision is being well received by health professionals and the general public in the UK, as it gives men the privilege obtain the drug easily without visiting the GP. This move is also expected to curb down the unregulated sale of this very popular drug.

"It's important men feel they have fast access to quality and legitimate care, and do not feel they need to turn to counterfeit online supplies which could have potentially serious side effects," Mick Foy, the MHRA's group manager in vigilance and risk management of medicines, reports Reuters.

Pharmacists will be given the privilege to determine whether a person is healthy enough to take the dose. Viagra will not be sold to people who are suffering from serious cardiovascular disorders, liver failure, and renal disorders. It should be also noted that these impotence drugs will not be given to people who are taking medications capable of triggering contraindications to viagra.

The customers should be also advised on not to take more than one tablet a day.

According to Pfizer, Viagra is the most popular impotence drug which human history has ever witnessed, and since its introduction in 1998, more than 37 million men have used this tablet.